Bye bye bigapple
Där var det sagt, men mitt liv är inte slut för det, följ med mig på min nya blogg istället
Rock on baby
Yesterday M had Capari party serving colorful drinks with a bunch of girls in summerish dresses and in a great mood, we all had a great time, thanks M!!
Right now I'm waiting for V to wake up so that I can convince her to go and have brunch with me. Later I'm meeting up with A, guess he's slightly hungover since yesterday;)
This week I'm crossing my fingers that M is going to rock her exam, which I obvously know she will, she's amazing!!
We have an event on Thursday, so people don't be shy, Dolly Daggers are playing and we have a fashion show and free drinks, isn't a concept for a great time, YEAH!!
Friday it's Valborg and a general prayers day in Denmark?! And a bank holiday which means that we are off!! I'm going to Lund and hanging in the park with my dear friends, and hoping for sunny sunny weather!!
By the way don't forget to listen to Slash new album.
A he's beging a star, I can't believe how supporting and sweet he's been. I appriciate it a lot, actually don't know what I would have done if we would have turned out to hate each other, gladly we don't and we are working on things. Work is great too, I will speak to a counsellor on Monday to figure out how I will succed with my education.
Tomorrow I'm looking at new apartments, buying my first own apartment, I thing I'm finally a grown up.
Me and Z are suppose to leave for London Monday but it doesn't look like we will at the moment. Damn Iceland!!
Happy anyway, listening to Lily Allen's fuck you and I love it and it make me smile.
More to come after Monday, update update.
Break of Day
Last week I had a discussion with Z about new starts, I told her that NYC will be an awesome new start. She said, very nicely and honest, why all these new starts, when are you going to be happy with the moment. I have been thinking about that since, I am a true dreamer I believe that the grass is greener on the other side I also believe that you will find the gold by the end of the rainbow, but the question is for how long are you going to dream and when are you going to face reality?
I defiently do not have a clue, I just wish for my happy ending, and I think I will find it in NYC. I've been going on about this NYC for soon 3 years so it's time I get my new start and happy ending in NYC.
Back at work today after Sunday off which I needed as I spent all Saturday night vomiting. sweet as sugar, huh! We did have some nice time Sunday V came by as I had craving for pizza that's what we got. I don't think it ever tasted as good before!! Sunday evening V had a get together with some of her friends which was nice, me and Jo went there and checked out her new crib, a cozy little apartment. Jo went off to see her man and me and V went out for a walk. I doubt it first didn't think I would survive but I sure did and it was nice.
Tomorrow I'm going to Nea as I missed her when she was in Malmo this weekend. It feels so nice having one of my old friends living so close I def feel I miss them all. Not saying I don't love my new friends but sometimes it's nice to have a laugh with your old friends as they known you forever.
This week is a busy week and I'm off the weekend My's coming and visiting me. Then I'm working 2 weekends in a row off 3 weekends and the first one I'm going up to Gothenburg to see my friends and then I have 5 days off during Easter when I will go home. I'm longing for my family!!
Today's song is Tina Dico - Break of day, which Daniel showed me and I've loved since.
HP up and running
Finally got my little Thai HP to connect to internet, I did however have to pay 400kr for it. But in the end it's worth it, tho I hate Telia shit company. Last weekend was real nice had Agnetha, Per and Richard here visiting. Great spending time with the family, and getting a bigger prespective on a couple of things. What else, me and prince charming is over, kind of broke my heart but I found a great glue that will glue it together again. FUD!!!!
So obviously the start of the week was crap, but then Tuesday we recieved a new book at work about cursing so I rocking the cursing now. Learnt a lot of new combinations on the cursing part! Just awesome! Totally made my day as well as the cute man on the bus, real pretty.
I also caught a cold, and I've been feeling totally lame, pathetic and sad, but luckally I'm doing better today. Had lunch with Linda at a nice italian place called Spot, I bet it's great in the summer just add some wine and well it will be awesome.
Tomorrow I'm staying in CPH having playstation evening with some friends, and Sathurday we're going out big time in Malmo. I need a night to party like a rock star, it's been to long since I had one of thoose last time I kind of got interruped to put it nicelly.
Great times in Thai, please give me some sun, pretty please..
fairy dust
I have to figure this one out or it will bug me forever. I know Zandra proably knows so I will trust her judgement instead as mine is off.
As my friend My put up a couple of pictures from New Years I found the most charming one on myself..NOT but folks look at the picture and enjoy my drunken face and the uglyness that appears. A small note to the picture is that I'm usually not that ugly, but drunk, yes usually!

Thai thanks for Sang Som a real friend to the bitter end;)
Today's song have to be
Metric - Gold Guns Girls
To my luck I had Wed and Thur off so Wed I went with My to look at apartments and well they weren't really our standard. Had coffee with Linda who now is a Malmobo, exciting news, as she is one of the coolest party girls!
Thurs I went to Lund had breakfast with My and then went on to see if I got accepted on the course I applyed for which I did, lucky me. It kind of suck anyway as my boss isn't that found of it and doesn't want to cut my hours so I can't take the course. I guess the stundent ID I get have to save up for it as I will get cheap beers and crazy nights.
Today I get in to work and we are understaffed as people are sick. And if you feel how cold our store is evan you would get sick. It's ridiculous, can't be more that max 5 degrees in our store, in other words freezing.
I survied and I had a great day, some weird way I always seem to work best under presure and I like it that way, as a matter of a fact it felt like time flew today.
I got off and meet up with Elina and Malin, for foodshoping. We cooked an amazing pasta with vegetables cream bonojure herbs and it all together was delicious.
We had candy and a movie Sommaren med Göran it had so many great comments one would be Anna Ahl, try to say it out high and you will understand it:)
By the way by April I will know if I got in to the school or not, can't wait I'm super excited.
New Year, new resolutions?!
But since then I went into some kind of depression. Not the depression that some pink pills will fix, but the one that make you question everything. I guess when you start making big decisions and trying to figure out yourself you start question everything and get into a bad vibe. That is were I have been lately. Work sucks and school I'm not sure what's going on, I will get my answer in Mars.
Malmö is grey and cold, I look into the windows of other people and the lights are warm and they look happy. I don't understand it. How can they be that happy, when everything feels like a black and white movie.
The boy, cause it's always a boy he isn't it?! He isn't here, he's far away. I try to exchange him with someone else but somehow the taste of some other boy isn't as sweet as it use too. Even pretty boy who use to show me the sky, isn't as exciting anymore.
I'm lost in the cold, trying to find my way home.
Today, I think I found a path, I'm following it and I think I can see the light.
Mars will come sooner then later and the boy, he will always be far away until he decides to wake up.

Todays song:
Skinny love - Bon Iver
Back on top
To my and the rest of my family's happiness they un-tubed him on Friday so I could actually have a talk to him in which he responded, felt great!
Saturday morning I tookt the bus down to the south again getting ready for the SATC cocktail party that Malin threw. I spent 2 hours there until I had to give in, I was exhusted and I felt really sick so ended up trowing up the entire night. Sunday was a bit better meet up with My in the city took a walk meet Victoria bought sushi and we all plus Jojo had a dinner. Really cosy, nice being back with all my friends.
Yesterday was my first day back at work. After almost 3 weeks off you feel a bit weird going back and actually doing something. But it all went good and people were glad to have me back and gave me tons of compliments for my nice tan! Woohoo!!
Today I'm off and my cold is coming back so I guess a trip to the doctor is on my To do-list today.
We'll see what they say maybe I did get the swine, how knows. Well after this afternoon I do at least.
Take care,
Me and Liah and the british boys left the party around 4:50 AM and our bus from the hotel were leaving at 6.00 AM and it took us all a long time to get back. At 5:50 Liah wasn't done she had taken a shower but still not dressed or done packing. I had the funniest times with all the stupied stuff she needed to do. Gosh she was drunk and hilarious:) Then we spent 13 hours on boats and buses and that is the last time I ever go by a bus in Thailand the drivers are fucking insane and they stop everywhere just to try to sell you everything that you don't want. We got int to Phuket and to Phatong beach and checked in to a nice hotel for once. So here we are and let me put it in a nice way I'm leaving tomorrow cause this place is filled with hockers everywhere and old men with young boys and it's creaping me out. So tomorrow we're going to Phi Phi and then I'm off to Bangkok where I'm meeting up some british boys I meet at Koh Phangan.
Oh I almost forgot I got inked today too:)
I put down the lyric from Fleetwood Mac song on my foot
Go your own way
It's really pretty and I'm happy, Sanna did the same one on her neck so tonight we're going out and partying with out new tattoos.
Trapped on the island

Sanna and Liah well painted for the night from a real artist.. haha

Rasmus and me
Fullmoon mystery
I guess me and Liah got home around 6 am just before the sun went up. Around 6.30 I hear a scream, it litterly sounds like someone is getting stabbed or something like that. And this sound is continuing for what seems like forever. Suddenly I hear our neighbor running out screaming, totaly mental. I freaked out, and then I hear the other niegbor who lived together with the other one taking on the phone and wanting a ambulance. I'm freaked out, Liah is freaked out and then we hear someone knocking on our door I refuse to open as I'm screared out of my mind. Well Luke one of our british friends is there and he keeps us company as we are both freaked out. Later on the rest of the british guys comes over and we all are hanging out until we're pasted out. late on today the guy next door comes up to us at the pool and tells us what happended and it turns out that his friend had a very bad experiance with some mushrooms. The guy is still at the hospital, and thats all i know for now.
Me and Liah will get something to eat and then then some drinks as we said all nights before we are going to take it easy. We will see how that turns out:)
On Thursday we're going over to Koh Tao and diving and stuff, going to be amazing. Guess that's all for now.
See ya all soon.
Princess and Liah

Here is one picture of us all before the pool party yesterday.

The regular motorcycle photo, gotta have it:)

Liah at the pool
I have to get to the shower now as it's starting to get dark here and we are suppose to find our friends and where they are staying. So until next time have fun and I will continue to update you guys.
The new Yankee
I got to our new hostel since Linnea and the other changed from the other one because of BEDBUGS! Everyone is well aware of me and bug and not a good combo. After getting the rooms we went down to the beach which is approx 150 m from our hostel. I spent I bet like an hour and a half in the sun then me and Sanna got massage in the sun for like 2 hours and I it cost us 60 kr, this is retarded, everything is crazy cheap.
In the evening we all went in to the city sat down at a Irish pub ordering beers (Singas) there I found some guys with flowers that me and Sanna really wanted and we hung out with them for a while. Super nice, and it was after that I got my new name Yankee. They thought I was from the states, (love it) and when I told them I weren't they stated a new name for me. Then I found some more guys from Germany that we played pool with. We all went to a bar on the beach that played old goodies, with beers and the sound of the waves. Fantastic, just fantastic!
Today we rented motorcycle and went to see some waterfall but it backfired as we all lost another and we all meet up in a Zoo. And listend to this I was sitting next to a tiger and was holding my hand on it.
Now I'm exhausted but we're proably going for some beers at some bar. Tomorrow we're leaving for Toh Phangan, and the full moon party. Gonna update some picture as soon as I get some time, until then you all have a great day and see ya all soon.
Sol i sinne, sol i Thailand jag väljer Thailand
Woohooo den 28 october bär det av till soligare kuster, där jag ska resa vidare från Bangkok till någon ö och möta upp Linnea. Blir en två veckor lång semester som jag längtar till som aldrig förr. Jag är super excited!!
Här kommer lite bilder från förra lördagen när vi var på Etage, har haft viss tvekan till detta ställe men det visade sig faktidst vara riktigt roligt. Denna helgs bilder kommer imorgon efter att My har skickat dem.
Ska hoppa i säng nu har massor att fixa med imorgon.

jag och thai-vicky i något försök att få till en bra bild.. Gick la sådär!!

Thai och Jojo, helt underbart härligt kort som förmedlar hela kvällen.. Galenskap!!

Kunde inte ungå att lägga upp denna, första gången det faktidst ser ut som jag har en rumpa.. Woohoo:)
Eller som Jojo försöker visa det är Rock n roll!!
sten sax påse
Tyvärr så försvann min humor nu när jag skaffade ett liv så ni får hålla tillgodo:)
Det har nog bara varit mycket att göra de senaste 2 veckorna har jag bott 5 stycken i en 3. krångligheten kommer vi till när vi endast har två nycklar. Sen så skulle det flyttas och vad händer då om inte soffan fastnar i hissen! Så alla våra tillhörigheter måste bäras ner och jotack det var några stycken lådor/svarta plastsäckar.
Det var även jag som körde lstbilen som vi hade hyrt och jodå det gick som på räls, alltså rätt fram utan de minsta koll på resten.. När vi tillslut fick stuvat in lite ting på blev det pizza för de starka och sallad för de svaga aka Jag och Jojo..
Så hela denna veckan har jag bott i våran nya lägenhet som jag denna gången fick välja rum i först. Detta genom att jag förnedrade Jojo i sten, sax, påse. På fredagen blev det några timmar på gymmet och sen chill med sex and the city. Lördagen IKEA, att man aldrig kan lära sig att man inte ska åka till ett sådant ställe en regning helg efter löning. Vi kom hem i ett stycke, och massa nya fina vackra saker:)
Jag tog mig till landet med den röda pölsen och gick ut med Hildur, Elin och Danielle på NASA vilket är riktigt nice klubb. Dock så hamnade jag mitt i vägen för en tjej som var helt mental. Hon blev helt galen då vi råkat gå in i varandra, och gick lös med sina fake-nail på min arm. Så min arm har klösmärken, inte helt OK. Tjejen blev dock iväg lyft av vakterna så de tackar vi dem för, och jag gick vidare med min drink i handen.
Jag och Hildur fick för oss att vi skulle till Nörrebro och gå ut på en klubb där, påvägen dit träffar vi på slottet och vakterna som står där utanför. Synen då vi står och lockar på vakten som om han vore en katt är dock rätt så oförglömlig :)
Det slutade dock med att jag hittade pretty boy och stannade till hos honom. Ska sägas att walk of shame har aldrig sett värre ut än i 12 cm höga stilettos, svart paljett klänning och en stor päls jacka men det bjuder jag på!
Nu så ska jag sova och imorgon blir det tandläkaren sen så jobb och på eftermiddagen kommer Malin och Jonas ner på besök..
N.E.R.D baby
Och jag vet absolut inte hur jag ska göra. Jag vill men samtidigt känns det väldigt omöjligt just nu när man har fast jobb, ny lägenhet osv. Den 19 augusti vilket är om 2 dagar måste jag bestämma mig, förvirrad till tusen!
Får försöka se det hela positivt om det nu kan gå och prata med dem på jobbet imorgon.
Helgen var dock helt grym speciellt fredagen. N.E.R.D spelade på Tivoli i Köpenhamn och jag var där med Hidur och co och det var riktigt coolt. Jag och Hildur tog hem till henne efter jobbet och fixade oss i ordning för kvällen. 30 minuter senare kom pojkarna förbi och vi började pimpla lite vin.
Detta var min första gång på Tivoli och jag hade jätte roligt! Vi satt på någon uteservering och drack öl och snackade, tittade förbi Danielle som jobbade i en candy shop. Allt detta i väntan på spelningen och gissa om den var bra. Mycket!

Jag och Hildur

Pure happiness or well drunkness :)

Hickie hihi

Happiness was the keyword

Hold on tight
the return of the pretty boy
Nu ska jag kanske förkla mig lite bättre; detta är ett fenomen som den senaste tiden bara kommit fram mer och mer.
Ett bra exempel på pretty boy är våran prinssesas lilla man Jonas. Han skulle kunna leda pretty boy klubben från sitt högkvarter på östermalm. En riktig pretty boy är en man som sover med sin kostym och är det inte kostym han för en gång skull har på sig så är det ett par beige chinos, skjorta, och lofers är självklart inte att förglömma.
Håret är klippt i en frisyr som innehåller gelé som inte är av denna värld och detta är väldigt, väldigt viktigt.
Han är även skolad på det bästa sätt, troligtvis har han läst någon sorts ekonomi utbildning eller juridik, handels är också OK men juridik är nog den mest självklara utbildningen. Inga data nördar här inte...
Så förutom detta vad är det som utmärker en pretty boy, jo hans sätt att charma alla runt omkring sig. Han kan tala med alla och vet hur man räknar ut Pi och han kan till och med byta ett däck. Han är allmänbildad och är en fager syn för ögat.
Men de har en annan sida också och det är att de är väldigt luriga, och självklart har de en hel flock med flickor springandes efter sig. De kan bara välja och vraka med vem de vill ha, lika så med sina vänner.
Som ni alla förstår så har jag hittat min pretty boy och jodå han är precis sådan., men ack så underbar.. hahaha...
Holiday trip all over the west coast
Stannade tills på kvällen sen så drog jag hem och somnade på 2 röda, tror aldrig jag har varit så utsliten som då.
Igår så var jag ute och tittade på Agnethas och Per's nya hus, jätte fint är det dessutom. Efteråt så drog jag upp till strömstad med stopp i knäm för att hälsa på sandra, sen vidare till Steamtown. Där jag fick lämnat mina grejer hos Marie och sen direkt ut på Göstases och en shot och en öl senare var jag i gasen och 2 öl till efter det hade jag nog gjort mitt, men icke här stämplar man inte in förrens man ligger raklång på golvet.
Anyways det var en ruskigt rolig kväll med massa konstiga saker som hände, och uttalande av mig och andra.
Nu ska jag in i duschen och förhoppninsvis återfå en viss självkänsla och om jag har riktigt tur kanske håret kan lukta gott igen:)
Adios amigos

Vilken partypingla!!