fairy dust

I think I might found a pretty boy look-a-like. I know that all of you that knows how pretty boy is might be in a major chock at the moment as he is oboviously very good looking, or as I would say hot hot hot!! Ok, I'm losing track here, but my point is that I found someone who I have known for a long time and never found that pretty before, so has he by fairy dust suddenly turned pretty?! Or has my judgement disappeared.

I have to figure this one out or it will bug me forever. I know Zandra proably knows so I will trust her judgement instead as mine is off.

As my friend My put up a couple of pictures from New Years I found the most charming one on myself..NOT but folks look at the picture and enjoy my drunken face and the uglyness that appears. A small note to the picture is that I'm usually not that ugly, but drunk, yes usually!

Thai thanks for Sang Som a real friend to the bitter end;)

Today's song have to be
Metric - Gold Guns Girls



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