Rock on baby

I remember when I was a kid watching Beverly Hills and I now found the song that I've been serching for a long time. Hold on - Jamie Walters (he plays Ray the guy who dates Donna for a while). The apartment hunting is goes very slow, but will get there. Like D said if you would find your dream apartment on the first look would just be insane! So I go more looking and saving to do, but luckely it look like we are heading for super stretch bonus for the second time this year! Wooohoo!! Due to the volcano me and Z couldn't go to London, such a pitty. We did however end up in Ystad, which is this cute little town east of Malmö, on a spa retreat. Have to go back this summer once it get's a bit warmer here. By the end of the summer M is moving down here with her b-friend, super exciting, family is always welcome:)

Yesterday M had Capari party serving colorful drinks with a bunch of girls in summerish dresses and in a great mood, we all had a great time, thanks M!!

Right now I'm waiting for V to wake up so that I can convince her to go and have brunch with me. Later I'm meeting up with A, guess he's slightly hungover since yesterday;)

This week I'm crossing my fingers that M is going to rock her exam, which I obvously know she will, she's amazing!!
We have an event on Thursday, so people don't be shy, Dolly Daggers are playing and we have a fashion show and free drinks, isn't a concept for a great time, YEAH!!

Friday it's Valborg and a general prayers day in Denmark?! And a bank holiday which means that we are off!! I'm going to Lund and hanging in the park with my dear friends, and hoping for sunny sunny weather!!

By the way don't forget to listen to Slash new album.



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