Yesterday we finally got off the island, though it's strom and shitty weather the last day there was amazing! I'm already missing the island and the people that we were hanging with. After 7 days of partying we were all kind of tired and planed to take it a bit low key, boy was I wrong. Me and Liah went to the gym and worked out as it was crappy weather it wasn't much else to do. Went down to the town and met up with the rest of our crew and then we went to a pub called Corner or something like that. Were we got our buckets(which is the only thing you drink when you are down here) I hung with a random english man as they are everywhere:) Got down to the beach where it were a massiv beach party with free drinks since Sanna got friends with the bartenders, gotta love that:) It was this bubble thing spraying over everything, so as nice and tipsy as we were we had to get into that. Well, let me put it this way I was soaked from top to toe. Someone gave me the awsome idea that I should wash it all off in the ocean. So me and the canadien boy went in and jumped in the wawes as they still were crazy high since it was a storm. But hey it was good fun!
Me and Liah and the british boys left the party around 4:50 AM and our bus from the hotel were leaving at 6.00 AM and it took us all a long time to get back. At 5:50 Liah wasn't done she had taken a shower but still not dressed or done packing. I had the funniest times with all the stupied stuff she needed to do. Gosh she was drunk and hilarious:) Then we spent 13 hours on boats and buses and that is the last time I ever go by a bus in Thailand the drivers are fucking insane and they stop everywhere just to try to sell you everything that you don't want. We got int to Phuket and to Phatong beach and checked in to a nice hotel for once. So here we are and let me put it in a nice way I'm leaving tomorrow cause this place is filled with hockers everywhere and old men with young boys and it's creaping me out. So tomorrow we're going to Phi Phi and then I'm off to Bangkok where I'm meeting up some british boys I meet at Koh Phangan.
Oh I almost forgot I got inked today too:)
I put down the lyric from Fleetwood Mac song on my foot
Go your own way
It's really pretty and I'm happy, Sanna did the same one on her neck so tonight we're going out and partying with out new tattoos.
Me and Liah and the british boys left the party around 4:50 AM and our bus from the hotel were leaving at 6.00 AM and it took us all a long time to get back. At 5:50 Liah wasn't done she had taken a shower but still not dressed or done packing. I had the funniest times with all the stupied stuff she needed to do. Gosh she was drunk and hilarious:) Then we spent 13 hours on boats and buses and that is the last time I ever go by a bus in Thailand the drivers are fucking insane and they stop everywhere just to try to sell you everything that you don't want. We got int to Phuket and to Phatong beach and checked in to a nice hotel for once. So here we are and let me put it in a nice way I'm leaving tomorrow cause this place is filled with hockers everywhere and old men with young boys and it's creaping me out. So tomorrow we're going to Phi Phi and then I'm off to Bangkok where I'm meeting up some british boys I meet at Koh Phangan.
Oh I almost forgot I got inked today too:)
I put down the lyric from Fleetwood Mac song on my foot
Go your own way
It's really pretty and I'm happy, Sanna did the same one on her neck so tonight we're going out and partying with out new tattoos.
Postat av: johanita
WOhoooo ny tatuering!!!! lööövveeee
Postat av: my
love it!!
Postat av: my
love it!!
Postat av: zäta
ååh längtar tills jag får se din tatoo!!! Fick ditt Vykort idag! Gissa om jag blev glad! =) och JA, jag vill gärna åka iväg med dig! Ta nu hand om dig så ses vi snart! puss Zäta
Postat av: Anonym
Crazy girl!! Jag gillart, men du är galen. Thai saknar lasse. Kom hem nuuuu!
Postat av: Liah
hahaha!! good fun dude!