fairy dust
I think I might found a pretty boy look-a-like. I know that all of you that knows how pretty boy is might be in a major chock at the moment as he is oboviously very good looking, or as I would say hot hot hot!! Ok, I'm losing track here, but my point is that I found someone who I have known for a long time and never found that pretty before, so has he by fairy dust suddenly turned pretty?! Or has my judgement disappeared.
I have to figure this one out or it will bug me forever. I know Zandra proably knows so I will trust her judgement instead as mine is off.
As my friend My put up a couple of pictures from New Years I found the most charming one on myself..NOT but folks look at the picture and enjoy my drunken face and the uglyness that appears. A small note to the picture is that I'm usually not that ugly, but drunk, yes usually!

Thai thanks for Sang Som a real friend to the bitter end;)
Today's song have to be
Metric - Gold Guns Girls
I have to figure this one out or it will bug me forever. I know Zandra proably knows so I will trust her judgement instead as mine is off.
As my friend My put up a couple of pictures from New Years I found the most charming one on myself..NOT but folks look at the picture and enjoy my drunken face and the uglyness that appears. A small note to the picture is that I'm usually not that ugly, but drunk, yes usually!

Thai thanks for Sang Som a real friend to the bitter end;)
Today's song have to be
Metric - Gold Guns Girls
This week has been pretty good, Tuesday I had dinner with Char and D at Zoo bar. The burger's that they have there is smashing, but the waiter is rude. Bad really bad! Doesn't really matter I had a great time with the girls and lots of laughs and that is all that matter.
To my luck I had Wed and Thur off so Wed I went with My to look at apartments and well they weren't really our standard. Had coffee with Linda who now is a Malmobo, exciting news, as she is one of the coolest party girls!
Thurs I went to Lund had breakfast with My and then went on to see if I got accepted on the course I applyed for which I did, lucky me. It kind of suck anyway as my boss isn't that found of it and doesn't want to cut my hours so I can't take the course. I guess the stundent ID I get have to save up for it as I will get cheap beers and crazy nights.
Today I get in to work and we are understaffed as people are sick. And if you feel how cold our store is evan you would get sick. It's ridiculous, can't be more that max 5 degrees in our store, in other words freezing.
I survied and I had a great day, some weird way I always seem to work best under presure and I like it that way, as a matter of a fact it felt like time flew today.
I got off and meet up with Elina and Malin, for foodshoping. We cooked an amazing pasta with vegetables cream bonojure herbs and it all together was delicious.
We had candy and a movie Sommaren med Göran it had so many great comments one would be Anna Ahl, try to say it out high and you will understand it:)
By the way by April I will know if I got in to the school or not, can't wait I'm super excited.
To my luck I had Wed and Thur off so Wed I went with My to look at apartments and well they weren't really our standard. Had coffee with Linda who now is a Malmobo, exciting news, as she is one of the coolest party girls!
Thurs I went to Lund had breakfast with My and then went on to see if I got accepted on the course I applyed for which I did, lucky me. It kind of suck anyway as my boss isn't that found of it and doesn't want to cut my hours so I can't take the course. I guess the stundent ID I get have to save up for it as I will get cheap beers and crazy nights.
Today I get in to work and we are understaffed as people are sick. And if you feel how cold our store is evan you would get sick. It's ridiculous, can't be more that max 5 degrees in our store, in other words freezing.
I survied and I had a great day, some weird way I always seem to work best under presure and I like it that way, as a matter of a fact it felt like time flew today.
I got off and meet up with Elina and Malin, for foodshoping. We cooked an amazing pasta with vegetables cream bonojure herbs and it all together was delicious.
We had candy and a movie Sommaren med Göran it had so many great comments one would be Anna Ahl, try to say it out high and you will understand it:)
By the way by April I will know if I got in to the school or not, can't wait I'm super excited.
New Year, new resolutions?!
I am well aware that New Years has come and past a while ago.
But since then I went into some kind of depression. Not the depression that some pink pills will fix, but the one that make you question everything. I guess when you start making big decisions and trying to figure out yourself you start question everything and get into a bad vibe. That is were I have been lately. Work sucks and school I'm not sure what's going on, I will get my answer in Mars.
Malmö is grey and cold, I look into the windows of other people and the lights are warm and they look happy. I don't understand it. How can they be that happy, when everything feels like a black and white movie.
The boy, cause it's always a boy he isn't it?! He isn't here, he's far away. I try to exchange him with someone else but somehow the taste of some other boy isn't as sweet as it use too. Even pretty boy who use to show me the sky, isn't as exciting anymore.
I'm lost in the cold, trying to find my way home.
Today, I think I found a path, I'm following it and I think I can see the light.
Mars will come sooner then later and the boy, he will always be far away until he decides to wake up.

Todays song:
Skinny love - Bon Iver
But since then I went into some kind of depression. Not the depression that some pink pills will fix, but the one that make you question everything. I guess when you start making big decisions and trying to figure out yourself you start question everything and get into a bad vibe. That is were I have been lately. Work sucks and school I'm not sure what's going on, I will get my answer in Mars.
Malmö is grey and cold, I look into the windows of other people and the lights are warm and they look happy. I don't understand it. How can they be that happy, when everything feels like a black and white movie.
The boy, cause it's always a boy he isn't it?! He isn't here, he's far away. I try to exchange him with someone else but somehow the taste of some other boy isn't as sweet as it use too. Even pretty boy who use to show me the sky, isn't as exciting anymore.
I'm lost in the cold, trying to find my way home.
Today, I think I found a path, I'm following it and I think I can see the light.
Mars will come sooner then later and the boy, he will always be far away until he decides to wake up.

Todays song:
Skinny love - Bon Iver